La clase de contrabajo del CSM Andrés de Vandelvira, a través del programa Erasmus+, organiza las clases magistrales de profesor Joerg Linowitzki, docente en el Conservatorio Superior de Música de Luebeck.
1. La clase de contrabajo dentro del Departamento de Cuerda del Conservatorio Superior de Música “Andrés de Vandelvira” de Jaén organiza las Clases Magistrales de contrabajo de Joerg Linowitzki.
2. El curso está dirigido al alumnado de alumnado del Conservatorio Superior "Andrés de Vandelvira" y del Conservatorio Profesional "Ramón Garay" de Jaén. Alumnado y profesorado de otros conservatorios son bienvenidos de oyentes.
3. Se desarrollará del 19 al 20 en el Paraninfo y el aula B1, respectivamente, del Conservatorio Superior de Música “Andrés de Vandelvira”, situado en la Calle Compañía nº 1, de Jaén. Teléfono: 953 365 606. El día 19, el horario será de 9:00 horas a 13:30 horas y de 16:00 horas a 20:00horas. El 20, de 9:00 a 12 horas.
4. Los derechos de matrícula son gratuitos.
5. El alumnado que participe activo y oyente recibirá un diploma acreditativo de la actividad.
6. Para cualquier duda, enviar un correo a la siguiente dirección:
Even as a child, Jörg Linowitzki won many prizes in various competitions. In 1975 he got the 1. Price of the Music Award of the Possehl Foundation and later joined the orchestral academy of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra with a Scholarship of the Herbert-von-Karajan Foundation. There he played under the direction of many world-renowned conductors and was mentored by Herbert von Karajan. From 1977 to 1994 he worked as principal Bassplayer in the NDR ( North German Radio ) Orchestra in Hamburg and had world-wide concert tours with great conductors such as G. Wand and J.-A. Gardiner. In 1995, Jörg Linowitzki was appointed as the professor of double bass at the University of Music in Lübeck, Germany. He also gives masterclasses all over the world.In addition to teaching, Jörg Linowitzki is engaged as substitute bassist with great orchestras in Germany. He performances solo works as well as chamber music. Prominent trios and string-quartets engage him for their interpretations of works with double bass. As a foundation member of the Linos – Ensemble, he is a well known guest of international festivals and has many national and international tours with the Ensemble. His work is recorded by all stations of the German Broadcasting Corporation and can also be heard in numerous CD recordings.From 1996 to 2011 J. Linowitzki was Vicepresident of Musikhochschule Lübeck and till now he works as a director of foreign affairs. For the interests of higher education in music in whole Europe he has been elected in 2010 as Secretary General of the AEC (Association Europeénne des Conservatoires, Academies des Musique e Musikhochschulen). Since 5 years he also is president of the ABAM ( Association of Baltic Academies of Music ).